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It is with deep sadness that Japan Karate Do Ryobu-Kai announces that Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki has passed away.  Kaicho Yamazaki was a pioneer in bringing Japanese karate to the wider world, an outstanding martial artist, and a beloved teacher.  He directly and profoundly impacted the lives of thousands of people around the world, making it his life's work to promote the benefits of training in karate, doing so with grace, passion, and humor. 


The Yamazaki family asks that their privacy be respected during this trying time.  In lieu of flowers or other gifts, they ask that support for Kaicho's legacy be demonstrated by contributing to Japan Karate Do Ryobu-Kai.

Use the button below to donate to Japan Karate Do Ryobu-Kai.

If you wish to make a contribution by other means, please contact us at

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